The new 2024 Version of The Daily Reset now available on Amazon

We get to write a new page of our lives each and every day. No matter what the day holds, we go to sleep and reset for the new one ahead. Each daily reset gives us an opportunity to improve, by small yet valuable margins. This book provides guidance, inspiration and knowledge to move your life forward. You will find nudges—reflections, questions, hacks, facts, stories, studies and methods—for every day of the year and divided into 12 key themes for your wellbeing.

Wellbeing is a journey. We might not find the right path the first time. In fact, it’s something that is always changing, evolving as we adapt to the way our life journey throws us surprises, setbacks and fortune, pleasure and pain. Such is the richness of life. Both journey and journal come from the same root, the Old French jour, or day. Every journey starts with a step, a day. If you don’t get it right today, simply reset. And go again tomorrow. 365 days a year.

There is magic in the everyday. Let’s begin.